Dallas Music Network‘s mission is to identify emerging musical artists and accelerate their success by connecting them to a network of support, opportunities, and resources for development, recording, digital media, streaming, promotion, and collaboration.
Mission Statement
Dallas Music Network began in March of 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic caused worldwide shutdowns and sent shockwaves through the music industry.
Talent developer Beverly Perry, photographer Cryste Deshields, jazz harpist Carlos Guedes, and other Dallasites who had worked for many years in the local music scene immediately felt the loss of live music and understood the detrimental impact the pandemic was having on the robust Dallas/Fort Worth music scene. To preserve the joy and importance of live music, they gathered a team of technicians and industry professionals and began to produce a weekly live streamed concert featuring local music artists.
Hosted by powerhouses like announcer Chris Arnold and country star Deanna Wheeler, the weekly livestream quickly grew, featuring impassioned performances by multiple acts.
Radio Disney alum and Deep Ellum Radio DJ Emmeline joined the stream to provide thought-provoking interviews. Music producer and keyboardist Mav Traxx began putting together all-star backing bands and original arrangements for the artists featured on the stream. By the time the world began to safely reopen, Beverly, Cryste, Carlos and their growing team knew that Dallas Music Network had become something very special–and so, as bands found their way back to the stage, Dallas Music Network strove to support artists in more innovative ways.
North Texas has always had a flourishing artist community. Dallas Music Network seeks to support, nourish, and nurture that flourishing artist community so Texas-based artists can continue to create meaningful, impactful music for years to come.
Today, Dallas Music Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, providing critical resources and access to rising artists from the Dallas/Fort Worth area and beyond. With multiple streaming shows, events, and even a podcast, Dallas Music Network exists to help artists reach their full potential through performance, digital media, streaming, recording, and collaboration opportunities–and we’re just getting started!
Dallas Music Network directly affects artists. Here’s what we do:
- We stream regularly in professional, high quality video to Dallas Music Network’s YouTube and Facebook pages.
- We provide performance venues and opportunities, professional photography of performances, edited video singles, promotion, and in-depth interviews about the artist’s experience and background–all at no cost to the artist.
- We provide opportunities for Texas-based artists to create professional connections with the local music industry and beyond.
Dallas Music Network’s Artist Community is Always Growing
Since we began in 2020, Dallas Music Network has hosted well over four hundred musicians of all sizes, ages, ethnicities, genres, and cultures that stretches across the country. From Country to R&B, Folk, Metal, Pop, Rock, Bluegrass, Opera, and many more, we are all-inclusive to the creativity and uniqueness of each and everyone we have ever worked with.
Our Artist Community is Always Growing
Dallas Music Network has been blessed to feature over 100 musical artists and over 300 additional supporting musicians–including, but not limited to:
- Adrian Lyles
- Akshara
- Allnamestkn
- Andrew Sevener
- Beckham Brothers
- Brian Pounds
- Carlos Guedes
- Cassandra Robertson
- Cyfa Fix
- Dem Chops
- DXV The Singer
- Elyse Jewel
- Emmeline
- Free Blck
- Grace Pettis
- Jayson Lyric
- Joe King
- Joe Savage
- Kaati
- Karri Music
- Keite Young
- Kierion Johnson
- La Bell
- Medicine Man Revival
- Melissa Gail Klein
- Min
- Morgan Ashley
- Noah Bowman
- Poppy Xander
- Que P
- Red Clay Gypsies
- Rey Santana
- Rob Holbert
- Sarah Johnson
- Shailaun
- Simone Nicole
- Southern Brave
- Stephen Pride
- Sydney Cope
- Taylor Davidson
- Taylor Dee
- Tempest B
- The Dirty Shirts
- The Inspiration Band
- The Kid Brothers
- Tristen Cole
- Vandell Andrew
- Wela Vargas
Diversity and Inclusion Statement
- Dallas Music Network is on a mission to help musical artists reach their full potential. We value the tapestry of sound created by every shape, size, gender, and color of humanity. Not only do we believe that diversity makes music better, we believe that diversity makes us better. From our board to our leadership, to the artists and audiences we serve, diversity and inclusion are not just a belief, it’s who we are.
- With the extensive reach of our programs, Dallas Music Network is in a unique position to champion music makers from diverse backgrounds. We take this responsibility seriously. We are deliberate in our process of artist selection to ensure equity, inclusion, and diversity of race, age, economic background, and gender identity. As a diverse group of music makers and music lovers ourselves, this is an organic core value and a natural part of our internal compass.
Safe Workspace Policy Rev. 001 March 15, 2022
The Dallas Music Network Safe Space Policy aims to ensure an open and welcoming environment on our stages, in our interview chairs, and throughout every aspect of our workspaces so that all our musicians, technicians, and staff feel comfortable participating.
Dallas Music Network has adopted this Safe Space Policy recognizing that systematic oppression attempts to exclude certain groups. This safe space policy protects oppressed groups and encourages their full participation. Dallas Music Network is committed to operating as an inclusive and supportive space where no forms of discrimination are tolerated. Racism, homophobia, biphobia, sexism, transphobia, disablism, or prejudice based on age, ethnicity, nationality, class, gender, gender identity, language ability, immigration status, or religious affiliation is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Dallas Music Network requires all musicians and staff to adhere to this policy. This policy also extends to all online communications (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Website, etc.). Safe Space Guidelines
- Be aware of the connotations of your language. Respect others and do not make assumptions about gender, abilities, ethnic identity, survivor status, or life experiences.
- Respect each other’s physical and emotional boundaries, always get explicit verbal consent before touching someone or crossing boundaries.
- We encourage all to listen to views different from their own and express opposition nonconfrontational.
- Harassment, hostility, and aggression will not be tolerated.
- Upholding this policy is a collective responsibility.
Individuals are responsible for their behavior. Violations should be reported to a supervisor or officer. Violation of this policy may result in immediate removal.